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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Breeding Has Made Dog Heads Very Diverse

Scientist have ejected research into dogs even further and they have found out that dog skulls shapes have evolved faster than cats and walruses. Every breed of dog skull are evolved at a different rats so the skulls are very diverse and have a wide range of shapes. Since humans use selective breeding to breed for the better, we seemed to have chosen a certain skull shape over other because the make the dog appear better so in the last 150 years dog skulls have evolved faster than any other mammals. But the canine family has dated back to 60 million years and no leap that big in evolution has occurred. Experts wanted to know how the degree of skull shapes varied and they led test. the results show that a collies head varies from a Pekingese's head and that it resembles more of a cat shaped head. In the wild, such drastic changes would occur in a mush more slower rate. In the wild, a canine needs to survive, but once they are domesticated, that no longer applies to there nature. For dogs, we breed them to do what we need them to do best and that doesn't necessarily mean to hunt or to run really fast but to do the jobs that they were bred to do. But in the recent years, many people have now bred dogs for their look than more of what they do. such as the Sheltie went through such selective processes, they are one of the most beautiful dogs on the planet. In the next century, the dogs heads might change once again.

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