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Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Toothpick Fish Lab

Many labs resemble real life situations. The toothpick fish lab could resemble a stream ecosystem. This lab show how adaptation occurs in the wild and how changing and ecosystem could push a species too far.

Data Analysis:
(G) The green allele is dominant in all case
Combination's that make a green fish-GG, Gr, Gy
(r) The red allele is recessive to the green allele and incomplete to the yellow allele
Combination's that make a red fish-rr
(y) The yellow allele is recessive to the green allele and incomplete to the red allele
Combination's that make a yellow fish-yy
Combination's that make an orange fish-ry

In this environment, the yellow fish die due to the fact that they cannot blend into the plants or the red and orange rocks. The other fish seem to steer past predators long enough so that they reproduce.

F1 Generation
In the F1 generation, all alleles and fish are there. There has been no fish fatalities.

6/12 fish are green
1/12 fish are red
1/12 fish are yellow
4/12 fish are orange
The yellow fish are removed because that resembles them dieing in the wild. Now there are two yellow alleles that have been removed from the gene pool and one less fish possibility. The yellow alleles are beginning to slowly disappear.

F2 Generation
In the F2 generation, there are two less yellow alleles, and one less fish. Now there can be only eleven fish in the stream. One fish has died.

5/11 fish are green
0/11 fish are red
0/11 fish are yellow
6/11 fish are orange
In this generation there are no yellow fish, thus that means there are no fish removed. The yellow alleles are distributed in the green and orange fish. The red alleles are also distributed in the green and orange fish.

F3 Generation
In the F3 generation, there are still eleven fish total. There has been no fatalities.
6/11 fish are green
2/11 fish are red
1/11 fish are yellow
2/11 fish are orange
The yellow fish is removed once again and there are two less yellow alleles in the gene pool. Even though we have been removing all of the yellow fish, the alleles have not disappeared completely. However, the alleles are disappearing and in a few more generations, they will disappear completely. The population also has been decreasing due to yellow fish removal. In the F3 generation, there is one less fish than in the F1 generation.

F4 Generation
In the F4 generation, the yellow fish has been removed and there are two less alleles in the gene pool. There are only enough alleles to create ten fish. There has been one fish death.
7/10 fish are green
1/10 fish are red
0/10 fish are yellow
2/10 fish are orange
There are no yellow fish, thus no yellow fish are removed. The yellow alleles have been distributed into the green and orange fishes.
Environmental Disaster!
Due to man made waste that has been pouring into the stream, the algae, seaweed and other plant life have died. The exposed red and orange rocks and yellow sand provide cover for the red, yellow and orange fish. However, because the green fish cannot camouflage, they are removed resembling predators eating them. Seven fish have been removed because of this.
0/3 fish are green
1/3 fish are red
0/3 fish are yellow
2/3 fish are orange
Now this generation of fish has decrease drastically due to the fact that the dominant amount of fish have all died. The green allele has now disappeared completely. This has occurred because natural selection has allow predators pick off the fish that cannot hide. First the yellow fish began to disappear. Now because the green allele is dominant, every fish with the green allele has a phenotype of green, thus eliminating the green allele completely.

Environmental Impact

This toothpick fish lab is a great way of showing how the environment impacts the survival of a species and determines which genes will be passed down to the next generation. When we started this lab, there were eight of every allele, creating the possibility of twelve fish. When the algae and seaweed dominated the landscape, the yellow fish would not camouflage and then, the predators hunted them down and killed them, lessening the yellow allele and the number of fish in the next generation. in a few more generations, the yellow alleles would have disappeared all together due to natural selection. But before that could happen, and environmental disaster stuck. All of the seaweed and other plant life died due to toxic man made wast, making the environment hostile to the green fish. Because the green allele is dominant over every other allele, the fish is deemed to be green if they have a green allele. Because of this, the green fish got picked off by predators and went extinct, taking the allele along with it. But if there was and over abundance of algae and plant life, then the red, yellow and orange fish would all disappear due to natural selection. Overall, the environment in which and organism lives in, has a great impact on its survival and determines whether it can pass on its genes, or not.