Welcome to my blog, http://sunny1012.blogspot.com/ This blog is dedicated to my dog (below)

Friday, December 11, 2009


It is a game show featuring biochemistry. sunny101


It is a game show featuring biochemistry. sunny101

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Deadly Jellyfish

A jellyfish found in warm costal waters around the world, has been known as the worlds' deadliest jellyfish; the box jellyfish. This oddly shaped little jellyfish is also known as the sea wasp because of it's deadly and fire burning stings. If you at the picture I provided, you can see how this jellyfish earned it's name. Most of the jellyfish live in South-EastAsia but others in Hawii's waters. I never knew that their was different species under this one species! I was shocked to learn that. But these harmful jellyfish can help since scientists did DNA tests and they show that they can help create anti-venom. The one type of these box jellyfish that you have to look out for, is the Australian box jelly fish. It is the most venomous and can kill you within a matter of minutes. I think the best things about these sea wasps are that they don't migrate like other jellyfish. They like to stay stationary.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Density of Liquids

In our most recent lab, we tested the density of certain liquids and we had to create the procedure. Our teacher gave us observations such as "When poured correctly, the liquids won't mix and will layer" or " The liquids are poured at an angle" and we also had to fill out the data chart. Some of the liquids that we used were, corn syrup, ketchup, and alcohols. It was really cool to see the different layers of liquids form.(although the ketchup was kind of disgusting) I reallly didn't think that it would actually work because, I have never seen any liquids layer up on each other, and I never hear of it. But I was surprised and not surprised to see it work the older kids probaly already did this so I kind of knew that it was going to work. First, my group tested the density of each liquid. I thought that the ketchup was going to be the densist, but when we tested the density, we found out that the corn syrup was the densist. Then we tested the density's of the alcohols. Our group found that E was the densist after D. But then, E and A had the same density. So we ( our group) randomly chose E to get poured on to d first, then we poured on A, and it worked!! We wrote our procedure, and it was, first, measure 15 mL of substance G. Pour into cup. Then measure15 mL of substance D, and pour at an angle slowly. Next, reapeat steps for E, A, B, in that order.When we were all finished, I thought that our lab was really disgusting. It was all ketchuppy. (it smelled like ketchup and our lab was red) But at the end, it was a really cool lab!!!

Friday, September 18, 2009

animals think about thinking

Every mind has a different way of thought. But somebody thought that animal think about thinking.I think that this article was really cool. Humans are able to think about thinking; and some animals such as dolphins and birds can also think about thinking. I learned that some animals are more thoughtful than others. I wondered, are we the most thoughtful animals on the planet? what I thought was really cool was that other animals have mind orginisation. Some people that work with anmals, think they show signs of metacognition, or thinking about thinking. Dr. Hampton found out that other primates metacognition is parallel to our metacognition. they ran several tests to see if their theory was true. One of they test required a dolphin to make a decision between to choices. the dolphin hesitated and probally thought which choice was better. proving that other animals do think about thinking. But when pigeons are in doubt, they just plow ahead. Similar tests show that other monkeys react how the dolphin acted.
metacognition requires alot of self awareness, and scientists are not so sure that other animals posses this abiliaty.
